Companion Action Tools
are the tools to help you put the lifestyle choices from
Lies I Taught in Medical School
into practice.
This program that includes the tools, videos, and other secrets mentioned in the book as well as a few other surprises. And now is the time when you are most energized to make any changes in your life so please take advantage of this opportunity.
Many people take this as an opportunity to complete the toolkit modules and make immediate changes in their nutrition, exercise and other lifestyle factors to begin to engage their family and friends to hold them accountable.
The Companion Action Tools contains action tools that will allow you to take a deeper dive in the control of your health and longevity based on the principles in the book.
Here is an overview of some of the materials in this course:
Health Assessment
Medical History
Brain Fog-SAGE Cognitive Assessment
MSQ Medical Symptom Toxin Questionnaire
Medical Imaging Studies- CT Calcium Score
Lifestyle Choices (Go ahead and try these)
Get the Companion Action Tools
Here are some of the life saving materials in the toolkit:
- Nutrition, Exercise, Sleep, and Stress Secrets (5 videos)
- Printable seed oil warning note for restaurants
- MSQ Toxin and SAGE Brain Fog Questionnaires
- MSQ Toxin Symptom Questionnaire (video and printable copy)
- SAGE Cognitive Brain Fog Assessment (video and printable copy)
- CT Calcium Score (video and instructions for obtaining)
- Top 4 Reasons to Eat Organic (video)
- Dental Amalgam and Mercury Risk for Alzheimers (video)
- The 13 Lies I Taught in Medical School (printable poster)
- Relaxation Guided Visualization Techniques
- And more...