CT Coronary Artery Calcium Scan
A heart scan may help guide treatment and lifestyle choices if you have a low to moderate risk of heart disease or if your heart disease risk isn't clear.
A heart scan also may help with motivation to make important lifestyle changes and follow treatment plans.
In fact, the CT Coronary Artery Calcium Scan (CT CAC) has been recently shown to be one of the best predictors of a heart attack.
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This is the first imaging test that I use for my own health and longevity.
Unlike all the blood tests and family history that will determine your 'risk' of cardiovascular disease, the CT CAC will show you the actual disease and, if present, will quantify the amount.Â
Robert Lufkin MD
New York Times Best Selling Author
Medical School Professor (UCLA//USC)
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AÂ CT CAC scan uses computed tomography (CT), which creates multiple images of calcium containing plaque deposits in the blood vessels.
Plaque is made up of fats, cholesterol, calcium and other substances in the blood. It develops gradually over time, long before there are any signs or symptoms of disease. These deposits can restrict the flow of oxygen-rich blood to the muscles of the heart. Plaque also may burst, triggering a blood clot that can cause a heart attack.

Heart disease, if detected early, can potentially be reversed before any serious heart damage has occurred. Our ultrafast CT scan is a highly effective screening method to detect atherosclerosis long before the first symptoms. In fact, this advanced technology can find the early warning signs of heart disease that traditional treadmill tests and cholesterol screening may miss.
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